MAKRA Palics

worldwalk- karibi tenger part

Nem sokaig leszunk a Karib tengerpartokon. Innen Tulumbol legyalogolunk Punta Allen-ig, es azutan megindulunk a belso teruletek fele. A rovidke karibi tartozkodas alatt igyekszem minel tobb szep fotot loni. Nem tudom mikor latunk majd ujra ilyen szep tengerpartokat.

Tulum igazi kis karibtengeri udulovaros. Szamunkra ugyan draga, de a vilagban talalhato arak mellett, es ahhoz kepest, hogy mennyire szep, akar kedvezmenyesnek is tekintheto. Sok fiatal vandor, hippi, es termeszetbarat szeret itt kivenni olcso bungalow-t, vagy csak egyszeruen satrazni a part kozeleben. Veletlen szerencse volt, hogy osszefutottunk Chain-nal es Jamie-vel. Ok egy kampinget tartanak a tulumi strand mellett. Mi tagadas, ez a legegzotikusabb kamping amivel eddig talalkoztunk. Ket napot elveztuk a paradicsomot (megjegyeznem, hogy a tropusokon a szunyogoktol nem lehet megmenekulni, ellenuk vedekezni kellene). A kedves paros ugyan azt mondta, hogy maradunk amig kedvunk tartja, de nekunk egyszeruen tobb dolgunk van a varos korul, es a part igencsak messze van Tulumtol. Koszonjuk nekik a lehetoseget.


Elküldve: hétfő, 2009. szeptember 21. 01:20 - [adatlap]

Nem. O nem a Star Wars-bol jott. Errefele ilyenek a tehenek. Vannak nagyobb fuluek is, de nagyon szegyellosek, es igy nehez oket lefenykepezni.

Elküldve: hétfő, 2009. szeptember 21. 01:18 - [adatlap]

Lassan, de biztosan kozeledunk az esoerdok birodalmahoz. Ez erezheto az idojarasban. A fulledt hoseg, a hatalmas karfioltornyokba rendezodott felhok, melyekbol barmely pillanatban zudulhat a viz. Erezheto a vegetacioban. A mind nagyobb fak, lianokkal es fa lako novenyekkel. Erezheto az allatvilagon. A mind orultebb vihogo-kacago futtyogo madarhangok. A szines nagytestu papagajok. A pici falvak bambusz-bol keszult kunyhokkal, melyek nem latszanak a suru novenyzettol. Ez mind (kiveve a hoseget) szep es izgalmas, eltereli az ember figyelmet. Egy valami azonban rendesen elrontja az egeszet. A szunyog. A rohadt kurvaja, a teremtes atka, mocskos verszivoja stb... Eddig csak este tamadtak. Azutan mar a nappali piheneskor is jottek. Mostmar egesznap, gyalogolas kozben is tamadnak. Szerencsetlensegunkre, errefele Szeptemberben es Oktoberben van a legtobb esozes. Ennek koszonhetoen a szunyogok letszama megtobbszorozodik. Ha rajtam mulna, szarnak a biologiai taplalkozasi lancra es kitorolnem oket. Meg az enciklopediakbol is.

Elküldve: hétfő, 2009. szeptember 21. 01:08 - [adatlap]

Mostanaban mind ritkabban lehet olyan fat latni, amely "maganyos". A fak idegen lakokkal vannak tele. Lehet latni fat amelyen ot fajta noveny is el. Kaktuszok, bromeliak, mas lombos novenyek, mohak, zuzmok stb. Szep latvany. Nalunk ilyet meg az arboretumokban sem lehet latni es lathatoan a fak nagyon is jol elvannak az "alberlokkel".

Elküldve: hétfő, 2009. szeptember 21. 01:02 - [adatlap]

Szeptember 20.  20:00 es 09:00  E:21,4039  Ny:97,6592

Tegnap sikerult belegyalogolnunk az ejszakaba. Ez nagyon kellemetlen, mivel ejszaka a satorozohely kereses nagyon bonyolult. Szerencsenkre belefutottunk Jorge Hernandez-be. O segitett nekunk helyet talalni. Itt Mexiko-ban amikor helyet keresunk, sokszor kapunk olyat, amely felett teto van. Neha az az erzesunk, hogy nem is gondolnak a szabad egre es annak ellenere, hogy van satrunk mindenaron olyan helyet akarnak talalni, melynek van teteje. Ezert mi nem haragszunk. Tegnap is jol jott a teto, mert esett az eso. Egyreszt nem tudjuk mennyire birja a satrunk a tul nagy zaport, masreszt masnap reggel a satrakat szarazon tudjuk elpakolni. Koszonjuk. Jorge-nak a kavet es kalacsot is koszonjuk.

Elküldve: hétfő, 2009. szeptember 21. 00:54 - [adatlap]

Szeptember 17.  16:45  E:21,8984  Ny:97,7332

Tampico es Naranjos kozott, neha elveszett az aszfalt. A foldesut egy kicsit porosabb es eso utan sarosabb, de azert lekuzdheto akadaly. A hoseg tovabbra is nagy, varhatoan csak novekedni fog. Az arnyek jol jon. Arnyek szempontjabol nincs jobb az alagut szeruen osszenott faknal. A dologban egy atkozott pont van, meghozza az, hogy a szunyogok az ilyen helyeken nappal nem tunnek el. Az allatvilag naprol napra erdekesebb. Sok uj madarfele, iguanak, fura rovarok. Ez utobbiakbol a kepen lathato mehek (vagy darazsak), elegans "hazaikkal" nagyon feltunoek. Erdekes, hogy szinte kizarolag a legyezopalma levelere epitkeznek.

Elküldve: hétfő, 2009. szeptember 21. 00:45 - [adatlap]

Szeptember 17.  11:30  E:22,0037  Ny:97,7615

Ehesek voltunk. Tobb pici telepulesen vandoroltunk keresztul, annak remenyeben, hogy talalunk egy kajaldat. Vegul feladtuk, es egy ugyancsak pici telepules, talan, kozpontjaban alltunk meg. Egy, haaat, hogy is mondjam, muveszileg kicsit gyenge, szobor mellett. Azota sem tudjuk ki az a golyokkal feldiszitett bajszos arc. A kicsi teren elkezdtunk kokuszdiot bontogatni, mire lassan a helyi lakosokbol nehanyan odajottek hozzank. Elmeseltuk a kik es mik vagyunk, majd elmondtuk, hogy kajaldat (comedor-t) keresunk. Kajalda nem volt, de az egyik ember azt mondta, hogy vegyunk a kisboltba hust es tojast es kenyeret. A felesege majd elkesziti szendvicsnek. Igy is lett. Jol laktunk. nem kertek erte semmit sem. Vannak errefele jo arcok.

Elküldve: hétfő, 2009. szeptember 21. 00:38 - [adatlap]

Szeptember 17.  10:45  E:22,0292  Ny:97,7670

Nagy a hoseg, igazi bagyaszto, paradus forrosag. A taska nehez. Izzadunk, mint a lovak. A piszok gyorsan megtapad ruhainkon. Gyulik a mosnivalo. Vettunk rozsaszinu mososzappant (tudom, tudom...), kertunk sok vizet a flakonjainkba es lealltunk az ut szelere mosni. Errefele mar nagyon magas az utszeli gyom es a rancsok miatt sok az elkeritett terulet. Marad az ut szele. Itt viszont olyan latvanyt nyujtunk, amilyet a helyiek meg soha nem lattak es valoszinuleg, nem is fognak latni. Volt, hogy egy busz ment el mellettunk. Lassitott, es a benn ulok felalltak, hogy jobban lathassak a szakallas zoknimoso fehereket.

Elküldve: hétfő, 2009. szeptember 21. 00:31 - [adatlap]

Szeptember 17.  08:50  E:22,0473  Ny:97,7717

Talan az egesz azzal kezdodott, hogy mindenfele egy csomo kokuszpalma volt lathato. Mindenaron venni akartam kokuszdiot. Arusitottak is, de kizarolag zoldet, amelyekben sok a le es keves a hus. En viszont ropogtatnivalonak akartam erett diot venni. Nem sikerult. Ejszaka egy "dos Hermanos" (Ket testver) nevu falatozonal leltunk satorozashoz megfelelo helyre. Itt szurtam ki az udvarban pompazo palmat, telis-tele erett dioval. Kertem a gazdat, adjon belole. Mondta, hogy akar tobbet is. Harom diot kertem. Az elsot, az egyik ottani arc, Prokoro, megpucolta nekem. A kulso hancsot lefejteni, nagyon kemeny melo, meg a macseta segitsegevel is (Ja, errefele mindenkinek van macsettaja). Masnap ket diot en pucoltam meg. Kb. fel oramba tellett es tobb liter izzadsagomba. Vegul is lett kokusz, es finom edes volt a husa. A falatozo udvarjaban elt a kepen lathato papagaj. A kicsi ketrecben, mar ot eve. A madar repul, szabadsag es lelek jelkep. Szerintunk szadista dolog madarakat pici ketrecekben tartani, raadasul egyedul. Nagyon szomoru latvany, foleg, hogy ugyanezen fajta papagajok ott ropkodnek es rikacsolnak kint, korulotte, a szabad termeszetben.

Elküldve: hétfő, 2009. szeptember 21. 00:20 - [adatlap]

Szeptember 16.  15:30  E:22,0999  Ny:97,7810

Ujra lehetosegunk volt, hogy ket ut kozul valaszzunk. A fout, vagy egy, a tengerhez kozelebb futo, kis mellekut. A fout sem szeles, de rengeteg teherauto es busz kozlekedik rajta. Zajos, budos, poros es veszelyes. A kis mellekuton tobb pici falvacska van es forgalom allig. Csendes es zold. Egyertelmuen a kisutat valasztottuk. Neha-neha, tenyleg kozel volt a tengerhez, illetve valojaban hatalmas oblok mellett megy el, amit a helyiek lagunaknak hivnak. Sajnos strandjaik nincsennek es a vizuk is sargas szurke, zavaros. Ennek ellenere a valasztas, egyertelmuen megerte.

Elküldve: hétfő, 2009. szeptember 21. 00:12 - [adatlap]

Tampico a Nagy hid   Szeptember 15.

Tampico-t csak ugy tudtuk elhagyni, hogy egy hatalmas hidon kelunk at. A latvany lenyugozo volt, majdnem az egesz varosra ra lehetett latni. A folyo egyik oldalan nagyon durva ipartelepek voltak. A masik oldalan ritkan lakott erdok. Az erdok jobban tetszettek. Mint valami beteg kapocs, technologia es vadon kozott. Az egyik sem felel meg az embernek. Ket szelsoseg, a harmonia hianya. A hidat elhagyva, este lesatoroztunk es a tavolban ugy tunt mintha hatalmas tuz lenne, mintha kigyulladt volna valami. Pedig, csak az olajfeldolgozo pokoli auraja latszott.

Elküldve: hétfő, 2009. szeptember 21. 00:05 - [adatlap]

Satorozas a tengerparton  Szeptember 15.

A varoskozpontba nem akartunk bemenni, foleg mivel enyhe hasmenestol szenvedtunk. A tengerparthoz kozeli erdosavban huzodtunk meg, ket napra. Nagyon jo rejtek volt, ejszaka nem maszkalt arra senki sem. Erre az egyik magyarazat az, hogy elkepesztoen sok szunyog el az erdosavban. A kepen ocsemen hosszuujju es hosszunadrag van, es nem azert mert hideg van. Kakalni csak ugy lehet, hogy elotte szunyoguzo spray-el jol lefujod a ruhadat es a ruhatlan seggedet.

Elküldve: vasárnap, 2009. szeptember 20. 23:59 - [adatlap]

Miramar tengerpart  Szeptember 14.

Hurraaa! Tengerpart. Nem furdottunk mar egy hete. Az USA-ban a Mexikoi obol vize elegge piszkosnak, zavarosnak tunt. Igy csodat nem vartunk. A meglepetes kellemes volt, ugyanis Tampico-nal a tenger szep tiszta, de a legjobb, hogy langyos. Igen, langyos, azonnal bele lehet rohanni. Mint a gyerekek, elvezkedtunk a vizben. Persze nem csak az elvezet szamitott, hanem az is, hogy az egyhetes szutyok leazzon rolunk. Kulfoldi turista nincs, de annal tobb szines bisz-basz arus van. Szerencsere nem eroszakosak.


Investment locationsPalic Master plan

The Master plan anticipates the development of modern hotel and other tourist infrastructure, as well as a number of other contents and services on the level of the most modern tourist standards, which enables investors a profitable business environment during the whole year.

The goal of this development project is to make Palić internationally recognizable as a spa and wellness destination available during the whole year, with well organized content for meetings, stays and events, and a developed sport profile.

The plan anticipates the construction of four hotels, a congress centre, a golf court with villas and bungalows, an aqua park, thermal pools, tennis and other sport courts, as well as a number of restaurants, coffee bars and other offers.

Within the public tender issued in June/July 2006, public company 'Palic - Ludas' has elected Horwath Consulting in collaboration with 'Atelier Architekt D.I. Walter Hoffelner' to perform the work on the project development for tourism complex Palic. Architect's task was to produce Conceptual design for the Palic tourism complex which is part of the second project task.

Based upon the Horwath's international methodology of resort development, and architects international experience in resort design, as well as the workshop performed with urban planning authorities, we propose our idea of the conceptual design and general area programme.

Proposal gives clear architectual and landscaping features thus giving total comprehension of the general layout (Master plan) of the new tourism complex.



Palic, the lake and the tourist centre under the same name, used to be a trendy resort and spa at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries.  The local scenery has always been enhanced, updated and changing; however it avoided the challenges imposed by industrialising tourism.   At present, Palic is an ideal rest and relax destination.   There you can enjoy the shade of hundred-year old trees, swim in the lake and the thermal pool, or simply enjoy the excellent offer in region-specific food and drink.  In brief, Palic is unique architecture, sport fields and attentive hosts.

Lake Palic and the settlement lie at 46o03' 35'' of the north geographic latitude and 19 o 43' 29'' east geographic longitude.  They are on the most northerly part of Serbia,  8 km from the nearest larger city, Subotica.

The climate in Palic is moderately continental. In average, there are about 2100 sunny hours during the year (likewise in Opatija, in the Croatian Riviera).  The mean air temperature in summer is 20 o C. The typical wind direction is northwest-southeast.

The lakeside is 17 km long, while the lake occupies an area of 4.6 km2  and is divided into 4 sectors.  The most important sector foreseen for the tourists  stretches over an area of 3.8 km2 . The lake's average depth is 1.9 m.  During bathing season, lake water temperature varies between 18o C and 25o C. The lake is rich in fish.  There are 3 attractive beaches within a radius of one kilometre. 

The Origin of the Lake

Legend says that the lake is a remnant of the Pannonia Sea, yet formed by the teardrops of a certain shepherd, named Pavle, who used to herd his sheep on the location.
The origins of the lake go back to prehistoric times, and though it was fed by springs, most of the lake water came from precipitation.  The water from the neighbouring area had flown to the lake and flushed out sodium chloride, hence it became salty. 
Lake Palic was first mentioned in written documents as Pali (Paly) in 1462.  The first drawing, i.e. the map of the lake (Paligo Palus) is from 1690.

Palic Resort and Spa

The healing effects of the lake water and the mud were known as early as the 18th century.   General practitioners from Subotica suggested building a spa on the shores of the lake in 1837.  In 1845, besides the spa building comprising a few cabins, a restaurant was built as well.  These facilities were the foundations of the subsequent resort and spa.
Visitors came to Palic not only to recover (from diseases of bones and skin), but also to enjoy the superior offer in entertainment.  The golden age of Palic Resort and Spa started in the 1880s after the Budapest-Zemun railway had been opened in 1883 and the introduction of tram in Subotica in 1897. Until World War I, the number of visitors to Palic Resort and Spa was increasing.

The Aftermath of Wars

After World War, then as part of Yugoslavia, the Men's Lido was built on the eastern shore of Lake Palic. It was the largest facility of the kind in Yugoslavia then.
The embellishment of Palic kept on after World War II.  A modern Summer Stage was made of stone amid the pine forest in 1950, which have hosted many artists since then.  The ZOO was opened in the same year.
In the 1960s,  a Sports Centre was built with football, volleyball, basketball and handball fields.  A resort area was built on the eastern shore, where many Subotica-based companies built summer houses for their employees.

Lake Recovery

Records from the end of the 19th century say, that due to permanent drops in water levels, decrease in the number of fishes, calm winds and wastewater influx, aquatic plants had started to  flourish in the lake.  That process had been repeated at times.
The situation culminated in the summer of 1970, when the massive pollution and uncontrolled algal bloom caused the lack of oxygen in the water and it resulted in the desolation of the living  world.
Therefore, the lake was dried and desludged in 1971.  A wastewater treatment plant was built, and in 1976 the lake was refilled with fresh water. Since then, the lake water quality has been perused and watched.

The Recent History of Palic

The first  thermo-mineral water well was drilled in 1978, and the Thermal Pool was opened in 1984.
Besides the wastewater treatment plant, the Tisa-Palic Canal was commissioned in 1995 and it enhanced lake water quality significantly.
In the style of old villas, the Hotel Prezident was built in 2000, and after that some of the old villas, resort houses were regenerated and turned into small luxury hotels.
Palic is well known as a tourist destination offering quality, and since 2007 it has an adopted Master Plan, guiding its development.

A Stroll in Palic

During the regeneration of Palic in the early 20th century, the architects of the buildings intended for rest and leisure, had the idea of entering Palic Spa through a lavishly decorated entrance, the Water Tower - Vodotoranj. Then, you enter the main avenue of the Park - Velikog parka, where the firsts trees were planted in 1840. This Park lies on an area of 19 hectares and represents a unique environment where natural values and architectural heritage are intertwined.

Besides the mentioned Water Tower, this heritage comprises impressive facilities for rest and leisure: the Grand Terrace, the Music Pavilion and the Women's Lido.  All of these buildings were formally opened in 1912 and were designed in Hungarian style art nouveau inspired by Hungarian folk elements, handicrafts, laces and embroidery.   These exceptional buildings are the work of Marcell Komor and Dezső Jakab, who designed the City Hall and the Synagogue in the neighbouring city of Subotica.
Before you reach the Grand Terrace take a turn towards the Tennis Club - Teniskom klubu, which was established in 1878, only three years after the written rules of this sport were set. Close to it, hidden amid the old trees, you will find one of the most beautiful stages in the country. 

The Summer Stage - Letnja pozornica was made of uncut stone in line with the design of Baltazar Dulic, an architect from Subotica, and since 1950 it has been the venue of many concerts, festivals and performances.  The Grand Terrace -Velika terasa, once called the „Kur-Saloon" and deliberately designed with a walk-through passage, leaves nobody indifferent.  Once it was renowned for its monumental ball room.  Yet, the two spacious terraces turned towards the lake are the heart of the building, which, after the regeneration, will serve as a spacious and modern conference centre.  On the left and on the right sides of the Terrace there are two hotels -hotel Park i hotel Jezero- built in the mid-19th century. The famous blue vases - Plave vaze can be found in front of them.  These vases, depicting the god of waters,  arrived in Palic in 1910 as the gift by the owner of the famous Zsolnay Manufacture from Pécs.  Similar vases decorated the Vienna City Park once. 

From the Grand Terrace, your stroll may continue towards the lake.  You will leave the Music Pavilion - Muzički paviljon behind, which was built to host promenade concerts, still often organised for the guests in Palic.  At the end of the promenade from the Water Tower, through the Grand Terrace to the lake, there is a Memorial Fountain - Spomen česma.  Nobody knows for sure whether the figure depicted on it is the fairy of the lake, born from the waves of Lake Palic or someone else, but it is known that the formal opening of the fountain on 15th September 1912 meant the end of the regeneration works in Palic Spa.

The promenade then goes on along the lakeside to the Women's Lido - Ženski štrand which had long ago, under different social standards, hidden  bathing women from the inquiring look of passers-by, although its  unusual architecture still attracts visitors to stop by and have a look.    

The stroll along the shore named after Lajos Vermes leads you to Vermes's villas built in 1893:  the Lujza Villa and the Owl's Fastness -Vile Luzja i Bagojvar and the monument of Lajos Vermes- spomenik Lajošu Vermešu. The monument, erected in 2004, was made by Vera Gabric Pocuca a sculptor from Subotica.  Vermes a proprietor from Subotica was a maecenas, sports-fan and competitor , and from 1880 till 1914, in the spirit of the Olympics, organised sport competitions in Palic and gathered the best athletes from  Europe far and wide.  The venues and fields for those competitions were in the vicinity of these buildings.  The fish restaurant - Riblja čarda on the lakeside  used to be a gym.

Although we reach the end of the promenade, our stroll in Palic has not finished yet.  We suggest to go back to the Grand Terrace and go northwards a bit, where you will find a fountain - fontana, made by Bela Našic in 1913. Next to it is the "weather house" - Kućica za vreme  erected in 1914.  There are numerous sculptures in this part of the Park, whereof the bronze figures of two nannies - Bakica are especially interesting, since this artefact, depicting two elderly women peacefully sitting on a bench,  perfectly fit into the surrounding.  This pleasing sculpture was made by Zlata Baranja, a  sculptor  from Palic.

The image of Palic is not made by the buildings and monuments only, but also by details, such as Hamvas' linden Hamvaševa lipa planted in memory of the writer, who wrote the Philosophy of Wine, often  referred to during Palic wine festivals. 
There is also a restaurant, called Mala gostiona, in operation on the same venue since 1853.  Owing to its tradition and quality food, it became the synonym of Palic.

Further on, there is one of the preserved old tram stations tramvajskih stanica.  Tram connected Subotica and Palic and was in operation between 1898 and 1974.  On the other side of the road, there is a corner-building, once  the Abbazia Cinema-Abazija, which borrowed its name from the Italian name of Opatija, a city so akin in spirit to Palic. 

From there, you enter the Split Avenue, the avenue of plane trees and the most attractive villas.  The first villas in Palic - vile na Paliću were built in the mid 19th century and building such and similar resort houses was quite fashionable in the region at that time.  The villas were built for the summer season and modelled  after Swiss  resort houses with emphasised  carved porches.  The gallery of Marija Karlovic Gabric - Galerija is one among these villas.  The exhibited paintings of flowers and Palic- around 100 - were made by this amateur painter.

Your stroll in Palic may end there in the Split Alley, but you can also set out to discover some other local secrets from there.


Palic Tourist Complex is located on the north of Vojvodina, south from Palic settlement.  It is about 7 kms southeast from the City of Subotica.
Subotica lies along the E-75   international transit highway with two border crossings between Serbia and Hungary in the neighbourhood (Horgos and Kelebija).
Geomorphologically, the area can be classified as a plain, stretching along a large plateau with an average height of 20 metres.   Due to these conditions, this area has a special agricultural significance.

As to its climate, the area is characterised by  continental climate (openness towards the Great Plain) with cold winters and hot summers and an annual mean temperature of 10,7 oC.
Historically, Palic was established in 1845 as a resort and bath and became known as a fashionable holiday destination.  The Grand Parks is a significant heritage of the settlement's long history with its unique atmosphere and appealingly landscaped green areas (park-forest) and specific art nouveau architecture.  

Palic Park of Nature

It stretches across an area of 713 hectares with a protected zone of 869 hectares.  It comprises the listed spatial, cultural-historical heritage of Palic, and its urban and physical constructions increase the value of this listed natural heritage.  The fundament of the listed heritage is Lake Palic.  Besides autochthonous natural values, there are preserved park areas with diversified dendroflora and decorative perennial and annual plants enriching the contents of the natural heritage.  A three-level protection is provided by the decision of the Subotica Municipality.  The most rigorous level I of protection prohibits any exploitation and covers 88.5 ha (12,41%). Level II foresees limited usage and covers 78,1 ha (10,95%). Level III is the controlled usage regime and it covers 546,4 ha (76,64%)  of the total area of Palic Park of Nature.

Functional Units along Lake Palic

The Grand Park and the lakeside had been landscaped as an integral part of the tourist and bath complex in the mid 19th century, was regenerated in the early 20th century, yet it maintained its original form.  The oldest buildings of the resort: the administration building of the Palic-Ludas Public Company, hotels Park and Jezero, the Water Tower and the Grand Terrace are located in the Park.   The tennis club and its courts are in the northwest part of the Park.  The Summer Stage neighbouring with the Tennis Club was built in 1950s.  In the western part of the Park there is a nursery garden and its accompanying facilities.   Along the lakeside is the Women's Lido and buildings built at the end of the 19th century on the western part of the lakeside:   Owl's Fastness, the Fish Restaurant, villas Lujza and Vermes. Mala gostiona Restaurant and Hotel Prezident are in the eastern part.

The ZOO is in the western part of the Complex and was established in 1950.  Along the southern side of the ZOO several residential buildings were built, some of them are the oldest buildings in Palic, yet through regeneration they have lost their original looks and identity.
The area between Lake Palic and Lake Omladina - Besides Hotel Prezident and the facility of the Meteorological Station, there are no buildings on the eastern lakeside.  Most of this area has not been developed yet, and part of it is used as a parking lot (in front of the Men's Lido).

Men's Lido - There are dilapidated facilities on this area (cabins), the thermal pool and a non-developed camping area along the motorway.

The Sports and Recreational Centre  - is located south from the Men's Lido and offers open-air sport fields for basketball, volleyball, football as well as accompanying facilities and dressing-rooms, indoor bowling arena and catering facilities (restaurants Brvnara and Fontana). There is also a hotel (Hotel Sport), which is out of function.

Resort Area -  This is a settlement south from the Sports Centre with recently built houses the quality, architecture and visual solution of which is arguable.
Palic Resort Market Positioning

Lake Palic is a Pannonian bath destination and is an icon of key values in the field of active rest and leisure and health in this part of Europe.
Internationally, it is recognized as a bath and wellness destination for the whole year, with an expressed emphasis on contents such as  holding meetings, incentive stays and events, and which is building its sports profile.
With its protected nature and cultural heritage, Palic offers unique services in the following key areas of experiences:

  • Bath/wellness
  • Meetings, conferences, incentives and events
  • Family gatherings  
  • Summer and winter sport/recreational activities,
  • Culture, heritage, gastronomy

In its market positioning, Palic emphasises the following:

  • Targeted towards the values of experiential positioning through careful building of the whole value chain (vocational specialisation)
  • Creating emotional charge and reasons to return to Palic (loyalty to guests)
  • Unique interaction of all elements and concepts through the model of a small lakeside riviera and creating a lakeside promenade ("lungo lago");
  • Separate approach to different areas of experiences (small universes in themselves).

Berbanski dani 2009

Postavio webmaster Sub, 19/09/2009 - 16:39.

Jubilarni dvadeseti Berbanski dani će se održati 19. i 20. septembra na Paliću. Berbanski dani, praznik voća, povrća, njihovih proizvoda a posebno vina, po 20. put upriličene su ovog vikenda na Paliću. U Javnom preduzeću „Palić - Ludaš", koji je organizator manifestacije, očekuju oko 30.000 posetilaca u dva dana manifestacije. Berbanski dani imaju i humanitarni karakter jer Rotary Club Subotica kroz akciju „Plodovi humanosti" prikuplja finansijsku pomoć za nekoliko ustanova brige o deci u gradu.


Kategória: 10 @ 14:57 > MAKRA

A Vila Verona ,Palicson  Gyógy-, Strand- Élményfürdőtől,a Palicsi
totol,es Parktol 300m-re,csendes kornyezetben található igényesen
berendezett vendégházunk.


A vendégház a Budapest-Beograd  főútvanaltól csak 1000 méterre
helyezkedik el, emiatt átutazó vendégek is szívesen igénybe veszik.
Elsősorban gépkocsival érkezők figyelmébe ajánljuk
szolgáltatásainkat.,de  vonat es autobuszal erkezo vendegeink szamara
is biztositjuk az ide jutast.


Reggeli a szobák árában nem szerepel, de igény szerint kérhető,
valamint a főétkezéseket kiszállítással biztosítani tudjuk ezmellett
gyors etkek megrendelesset mint pl:pizza hazhoz szalittasatt is

A vendégeknek lehetősége van a jól felszerelt konyhában és a
nappaliban elkészíteni illetőleg elfogyasztani a helyben sajátkezűleg
elkészített ételeiket ,amit kint zart teraszal kialakitott, bogracsos
es rostelyos elkeszitessere elo latott reszen.


Vendégeinket 2-3 ágyas,termeszetessen francia agyal
alatott,klimatizált, fürdőszobás, televizióval,catv,fozo fulkevel, huto
szekrenyel,teraszal felszerelt szobákban fogadjuk.
részére kedvezmény,gyermekek reszere fele ar, felszerelt konyha,
grillezőhely, ingyenes drot nelkuli ADSL  Internet hozzáférés,
légkondicionált szobák, reggeli, saját kert, zárt es nyitott  parkoló,
zuhanyozós szobák, családbarát, kisállat bevihető,horgasz
lehetoseg,roplabda es foci fehetoseg,napozas,pikado es asztali
foci,kerekpar igenybe vehetoseg,zart teraszon kisebb szuletes
napok,barati oszejovetelek megtartasa,ide latogato vendegek
informalassa Palics
erdekessegeirol,nevezetessegeirol,tortenelmerol,rendezvenyeirol es
Palicson elhejezkedo pizzeriakrol,ettermekrol,kavehazakrol,stb.Masszazs
es korom apolasi lehetosegeket is kinalunk.
Csoportok es a vendegek reszere a Palicsi allatkert megtekintesere is utikalauzt,turisztikai vezetott biztositunk.


Arainkrol  elerhetosegeinken keresztul erdeklodhetnek.


Tisztelt Látogató!


A Vendégház a  űrlapon keresztül tudja fogadni az Ön
szállásfoglalását. A foglalás lekéréses rendszerben működik, vagyis az
érkezési, távozási és egyéb szükséges adatok megadását követően a a foglalás e-mailben történő visszaigazolásával felveszi
Önnel a kapcsolatot.

Kapcsolat teremtesre lehetoseg nyillika a kovetkezo telefon es mobil  szamokon is erdeklodni.

Demeter Verona

24413 Palics

Begejska u. 28.



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